Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ok, so if you look at my first 6 posts, you'll notice they're pretty academic in nature... Well, that's because I had to create a blog for my Ed Tech class at GVSU. Now that the class is over, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and keep the blog going with my personal stuff... Thanks, Carrie for influencing that decision! haha...

So, in May I started education classes at GVSU and I love it so far. I had an Inro to Ed class and a Technology in Education class that I've completed. Currently, I'm in Diversity in Education which is turning out to be a lot better than I expected.

I also happen to be the proud cousin of two IHS graduates this spring! Here are a few pics from Steph's open house a few weeks ago:

This is all of the cousins on my dad's side. Back row: Adam (graduated from IHS this spring), Justin my brother, Matt. Middle Row: Lindsey my sister, Stephanie, Me. Front Row: Ali, Karlee. Since I'm one of the oldest, I've pretty much watched all of them grow up and I'm very proud... most of the time!
One of the 5 rainbows that we got to see! It was rainy at first but ended up being beautiful later on in the night!

Steph being a dork as usual.

My uncle's band, Bailey's Comet, played at Stephs party. I love listening to them- it's always a good time!

I also have a super cute pic of my brother posing with his towel after getting out of the pool, but since he's here with me right now, he said I absolutely cannot post that pic online. haha... I guess I better respect his wishes this time. Maybe I'll sneak it in another post ; )

Out and About w/ my Brother

So I just got this new laptop a few weeks ago and i LOVE it! Right now, my brother, Justin, and I are at Beaners/Biggby taking advantage of the free wi-fi. Im drinking coffee and he's just watching. Over the past few days we've been running errands and taking pictures of things to enter into the photography department at the fair. Here are a few samples of my favorites:

So today I've been running around buying frames and mats and trying desperately to get these ready for Tuesday when I have to enter them. I had a lot of fun taking the pics, especially with my brother coming along.