Saturday, July 10, 2010

Please Forgive Me...

... for my lack of posting lately.

I mentioned it last week, but WOW, I'm really having a hard time balancing 3 summer grad classes with everything else going on in my life, and unfortunately, my blog has fallen to the back burner. It sucks because I have like a bazillion things I want to share with you, but I just don't have the time. I have a feeling it's only going to get better when a) my professors allow me to blog in class, b) Verizon decides that yes, in fact, I am important enough for them to build/fix a tower that will allow me wireless internet access, c) my body stops requiring sleep, or d) I quit school and spend all of my time blogging (probably the most feasible option, but nonetheless, not going to happen).

But!! I do have a few pics from our Cedar Point trip a few weeks ago:
The view from our hotel's parking lot. Staying in the park was the best idea ever - I got semi-dehydrated at one point and it was awesome to go back and rest for a little bit in the air conditioned bliss of the hotel room. Plus, um, roller coaster fun when you look out the window? Yes, please!!

 I took more pictures of the hotel than anything else... I was sort of in love. This is the rotunda in the hotel and it reminded me of having tea in the 1920's or something... not that I've ever done it, but if I had, this is what it would be like

Perfection in the rotunda... so bright and cheerful!

Outside of the hotel

History of the hotel.... Yeah, I told you I was sort of obsessed. For whatever reason, I was wayyy into the history of Cedar Point this visit. The hotel has a really interesting background - it's been around longer than the park, which is like close to 100 years old. The hotel used to house soldiers when they were in training and it has a really authentic feel to it.

Yikes. Because I'm keepin' it real over here, I couldn't leave out this horrible pic of me with no makeup and flat hair : )

Also because I'm keepin' it real, I had to show the nasty bruise (the next day!) from riding the new Maverick roller coaster. I rarely get bruises, so when I do, you know that I got roughed up! Yes, those are my sorry excuses for biceps (just for the record, I'm not flexing. Although I'm sure that's obvious).

On the way home, we stopped at Cabella's in Dundee, Michigan because it's like a heaven for hunters or anyone who likes to do anything outside. They have these huge bears in front of the place, so we couldn't resist a photo op! (Well, I couldn't resist... Josh had to be prodded a little bit)

I actually don't have any pictures of our camper or our 4th of July weekend, although I realllllly want to blog about it, and probably will have a post out soon (whatever 'soon' means...)

For those of you who I regularly read/comment on - I'm not ignoring you, I promise! I'm still reading (usually during class, very quietly) but I just can't comment while I'm in class and feel a little silly commenting on posts from days ago... but I'm still reading! I haven't left you!!

Miss you all : )

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