Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ugly Sweater Christmas

This year, my family decided (because of my suggestion... ; ) )to do an ugly sweater Christmas. About a week before Christmas my cousins and I headed to Goodwill to find the ugliest sweaters we could! Bonus points if they were Christmas themed. So, we picked out sweaters for everyone in our family, even my grandpa and grandma. We had a lot of fun and got some great family pics, as you can see below. Of course, the pics don't do justice to the sweaters! If only you could see the metallic threads and sequins used... haha.
Family pic!

Linds and I with our beautiful Christmas sweaters full of bling and glitz

Although it wasnt Chrismas themed, Steph's sweater was AWFUL! But she rocked it with some blue leggings : )

This is my cousin Matt's son, Lex. He's SO adorable! Here he's enjoying the drum and noise maker set I got him.

Here he's eating one of the 49 cookies grandma fed him! I'm surprised he didnt get sick! Shortly after Christmas he got his hair cut and got all of those adorable curls taken off : (

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