Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who I read daily...

I know I haven't posted in quite awhile, but please forgive me as I've been incredibly busy (and without a wireless internet connection) lately. I survived being my cousin's guardian for 2 weeks! Her parents come home tomorrow and I'm a free woman! Honestly, it wasn't too bad. We had a few issues with Ali wanting to do things she knows she's not allowed to do, and one HORRIBLE dog puking episode, but other than that it went pretty smoothly. Tonight, we're going to make homemade pizzas and visit Josh on the farm. Ali loves the farm a lot more than I expected. We were there Sunday and I turned around to see her putting a milker on a cow! Who would have thought...

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I thought I'd share a list of blogs that I read daily for one reason or another. I'm currently following over 100 blogs on my google reader and there are definitely a few that stand out as favorites:
  1. elefantitas alegres and I take photos in the bathroom. are both written by Kate, an adorably funny twenty-something living in Dallas with an affinity for good wine, J. Crew, and ruffles (seriously, how can you go wrong with that combination!) The first link is her "regular" blog that chronicles day-to-day stuff with a hilarious spin that only Kate can achieve. The second link is to her new blog, which if you hadn't yet guessed, shows pictures she's taken in her company's bathroom. The pictures are of her work outfit that day, accompanied with a piece-by-piece description of the designer, style, and color. Click with caution lovelies, because once you get a glimpse of her wardrobe you'll be coveting every. single. piece. (especially her arsenal of accessories!).
  2. 2birds1blog is my daily dose of laughter. It seems like no matter what the topic is (ranging from bosses who overshare about their ladyparts to drinking game fridays to Meghan McCain), Meg and Chris have me in stitches with their "sardonic voice of twenty-somethings everywhere" and colorful commentaries. Check them out. Right now!
  3. Style Me Pretty by Abby Larson is my go-to blog when I'm drooling over other people's goregous weddings daydreaming about styling my own wedding wondering if I could cut it as a wedding planner doing wedding "research" for my engaged friends. There are beautiful weddings of all sizes, budgets, and styles as well as blogs by brides-to-be and a place where you can create your own inspiration board (which I may or may not have done once or twice.... or 17 times while killing time at work). Even if you're not getting married anytime soon this is a fun blog to read because it's filled with goregous pictures!
  4. Speaking of pictures, one of my favorite photgraphy blogs is bobbi+mike out of Indiana. Not only is this husband and wife team harboring some serious talent, they seem super fun and totally dig their job. Bobbi is one of those people who you see and read and you just want to be friends with because she seems like she'd be somuchfun to throw a few beers back with! Check out their amazing photography and I'm sure you'll quickly catch on to how fun this couple is! (Oh-  and how CUTE is their logo! As Bobbi would say "AYKM!?")
  5. Last but not least, WannaBe Chef is a food blog written by Amanda, who I've known for practically my whole life. Her blog has pretty pictures of food she's cooked that looks (and tastes, I'm sure) absolutely delicious! Plus, she gives the recipes, advice on different changes that can be made, and a verdict of how it tasted. I love it because the recipes don't seem to be intimidating (meaning that even with my ridiculous lack of culinary expertise, I think I could pull some of these off) and they're food I would actually eat!
So now that I've introduced you to a few new places, go check 'em out!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

10 years makes SUCH a difference!

The last week or so has been quite interesting... I've learned a lot about myself (and the person I was at 14) through watching my cousin, Ali. Last night I was thinking about how different things were when I was 14, both in my life and in the world.

The difference between being 14 now and 14 then (1999):
  • There was no texting. I had to call my friends on the phone and make plans by actually speaking to them. The phone I used was the house phone; a line I shared with everyone else. I didn't even get my first cell phone until I was 16! (Good ole Motorola Star-Tac flip phone with 2 rows of digital display that showed numbers only... no letters. Oh- and it was a pre-pay phone.)
  • We FINALLY got dial-up internet at my mom's house, soon to be upgraded to cable internet. And we thought it was fast.
  • Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter did not exist. Google was JUST launched, Gchat was not an option. We used MSN Messenger, ICQ, and AIM to communicate online.
  • When we wanted to transport music we burned CDs with songs we downloaded illegally off of Napster or Ares. MP3 players were a thing of the future, and nobody knew what an iPod was. (and I also downloaded a shitload of viruses with my music). We had to play our CDs in our car with a portable CD player and cassette tape adapter.
  • Only rich people had laptops. And they were ugly.
Obviously there are a ton of differences between being 14 and being 24. When I was 14...
  • I used a shit ton of disposable cameras - I'm not sure if digital cameras were around then, but if they were, they were SUPER expensive and I definitely didn't own one.
  • I was in LOVE with Lance Bass of N*SYNC
  • I was blissfully ignorant of the pain of losing a loved one
  • I knew my friends and I would never drift apart (this is probably the one thing that is still true, to a certain extent)
  • My only worries were what I was going to wear to school, how I was going to get to the next football game, and whether I should do my homework or not.
  • I got my money from babysitting. And never had to pay taxes.
  • I was planning on a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious out of state university, becoming an amazing interior designer, living in a big city, going to a job I love every day, falling in love and getting married at 24 or 25 (which seems soooo old when you're 14)
However, there are many things that I've watched Ali do that I KNOW I did when I was 14. I should probably call my mom and apologize for being so ridiculous at that age (I knew the day would come when I realized how shallow and self-centered I was as a teenager, however I thought it would be when I have my own kids, not at the ripe old age of 24). As a teenager I had no concept of time. I didn't care if I was going to be late or make someone else late. If my hair wasn't doing what I wanted, I took the time needed to fix it. If my clothes were wrinkled, I waited until they were done tumbling in the dryer (because ironing my clothes was SO beneath me). I know my mom was late because of me more than once (sorry mom!!). I thought my parents were stupid and were out to ruin my fun. Now that I'm having to make decisions on what Ali does with her friends, I can definitely see where my parents were coming from. (Sorry again, mom!) I was fortunate enough to earn a lot of money through babysitting so I could pay for a lot of the stuff I wanted myself. However, my mom footed the bill for a lot more than I ever realized. And, since I work for the same company she worked for when I was 14, I know she did not make a lot of money - especially for the amount of work she did. (Once again, sorry mother!! But thanks for the fashionable clothes!)

Anyways, I thought it was interesting to think about all of the things that have changed over the last 10 years. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot, but these are what popped into my head last night and this morning...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

For Jenna

Since I've done a lovely personal-ad-esque post for Garrett, it seems only fitting that I do one for one of my very very best friends, Jenna (because I think that she's my only single friend that reads the blog). Jenna and I met in 6th grade elective class (4th hour, we seriously had the best class...) because neither one of us wanted to be in band. Since our last names are so similar, we were often seated together when teachers used that oh-so-creative-alphabetical-by-last-name seating chart. Since she came from a "big" elementary school she knew a lot more people than the measly 5 I knew from my little country school. One of the first memories I have of Jenna is sitting in Art class and asking her what was written on her shirt. I felt stupid, yet enlightened, when she said "You've never heard of Abercrombie?" And thus our friendship was born....

Now, here are the reasons why I love Jenna and why you should too:
  1. She's smart - This girl has a Master's in accounting from MSU (go Spartans!) and passed her CPA exam on the first time through. She's well on her way to becoming partner at Ernst & Young : )
  2. She knows how to have a good time. I can't even count all of the times we've had fun together! (Mostly because there have been a lot, but partially because I've been a little tipsy, too) Last night I was talking to Josh and he said, "Remember that wedding where you and Jenna were trashed and had a lot of fun?" and I told him he had to be more specific because there have been quite a few within the last 6 months... We can have fun whether we're out for drinks, taking a road trip, or just curling up with some popcorn and watching a movie at her house.
  3. She loves sushi and wine. None of my other girl friends will eat sushi with me! Sushi Ya in EL and Red Ginger in Traverse City are our favorite places to go. (PS: I still owe you a sushi lunch!!) Memorial Day weekend we did a tour of Traverse City wineries and had a blast. She never makes me feel like a lush because she just drinks right along with me. Mmmmm.... (PPS: we are wayyyy overdue for a glass bottle of wine and gossiping!)
  4. Her parents are hilarious. Good old Brenda and Joe - you never know what to expect (in a good way).
  5. She's my favorite person to shop with! Jenna loves the same things I do (cute shoes, Coach purses, The Limited, good bargains, accessorizing, and eating a lot after a hard day of shopping) so it's easy to spend all day in a mall with her. Plus, she always assures me that I "need" whatever I'm contemplating buying, so it cancels out the buyer's remorse : )
  6. Jenna is a die-hard Spartan fan! Football games, basketball games, tailgating... this girl does it all, and she lets me tag along! (MSU tailgating is WAY better than SVSU or GVSU ever thought of being) We've had lots of fun watching games together, whether it's at the actual game or at a bar (The Riv with Nancy and Steve??? haha...)
  7. She's always up for anything. Road trip to Chicago? Wineries in Traverse City? Tigers game this weekend? Casino? Shopping? Food? Drinking? All of the above! Jenna is the one friend I can call up and say "hey, let's do [insert fun random spontaneous activity here]!" and she's ready to go (even though she's probably running about 10 minutes late). Love it!!
So for all of you single guys out there -  I highly recommend meeting Jenna. She's fabulous, as you can see, and will prove to be lots of fun!

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Sadly, not all of my pictures have made it to photobucket so I'm lacking in the pics of Jenna and I. Booo...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Recap

Various things that happened this weekend:
  • I was an HOUR late to a bridal shower for a wedding in which I'm a BRIDESMAID! How does that happen, honestly? I swore the invite said 11am, and then when I looked at it Saturday morning to check the address, I noticed the 10am start time. The shower was an hour away and it was 9:50 when I looked at the invitation. Seriously embarrassing... but at least I brought presents to make up for it : )
  • My geography teacher once again does not cease to amaze me with his ridiculous "knowledge". In case you didn't know, Mexico is not part of North America, there are 4 time zones in North America, and North America was found by Pilgrims. Hmmm... not so much. Also, the Pilgrims separated themselves from England (and this is a direct quote) "using two documents: the Constitution and the Preamble to the Constitution." I actually giggled a little bit when he said that. Come on! First of all, it was the Declaration of Independence. Second of all, the Preamble to the Constitution and the Constitution are all ONE document! Wowzers... Needless to say, I've emailed the department head to see if I can test out of this class in some way. I'm dropping off my transcripts to his office tomorrow.
  • I successfully got Ali home from a football game, to and from driver's training (twice!) and youth group, and home from a marching band competition, (which I even attended, proudly wearing a royal blue Ionia Bulldogs t-shirt!). I also successfully dodged the bullet of having to decide whether to let her boyfriend (who is a senior, she's a freshman) come over to "hang out." I'm not looking forward to Friday when she wants to accompany him to an away football game. Ugh.... how do parents do this??
  • I not-so-successfully have been pumping Ali full of junk food: Subway pizza, Applebees chicken wings, Burger King, pizza, and Pepsi. Oops... it's hard when we're both on the go so much! This week's goal is to eat better meals!
  • With a lot of help from his parents and a littttttle help from Ali and I, Josh got all of the trim on his 4 barns/storage sheds/garages painted white yesterday. Now we just have to touch up the red! And cut down part of another tree. And finish the guest room. And paint the exterior of the house....
  • Josh decided to move my couch inside after storing it in one of his sheds for a few weeks. He only had 3 chairs in his living room (plus a stationary bike and weight bench. Definitely a guy thing I guess) so when people come over they often have to sit on the floor. Plus, when we watch a movie or TV (which rarely happens), there's no cuddly time : (  So, I've just been mentioning how nice it would be to have a couch inside... I had a feeling he was warming up to the idea (partially because there's a bed in my couch) but he wasn't really crazy about it. Yesterday he finally broke down and had his friend help him move it in. I feel kind of guilty because I didn't want him to move it inside just because I wanted it there. I actually wanted him to want it there, too. I'm hoping he did it because he realizes how nice it will be to have a couch and that he didn't do it just to shut me up (although when I told his mom, she said that it would make our relationship "normal" if he was just trying to shut me up... haha. I wasn't too sure how to take that...)
  • I went to a farmer's appreciation luncheon with Josh and his dad on Sunday. It was nice to see a lot of the people I grew up around at the fair or who I knew through my grandparents and parents. It was actually a fundraiser for Joanne Emmons, who is running for Secretary of State for Michigan next year. My friend's uncle was the emcee, and he was quite hilarious (Amanda - Uncle Larry has a story for everyone and everything! OMG I was dying!)
  • I was almost busted for a drive-away from the gas station. OOPS!! I swiped my card, pumped my gas, and drove away. Luckily I was stopped at a red light because the station owner came over and tapped on my window demanding payment. I told him I swiped my card, but apparently it didn't work (and of course I wasn't paying attention to what the pump said... I was in a hurry!). So I had to go inside and pay for it. People were giving me "the look", probably because they thought I was trying to get away without paying... which SO wasn't true!!
Anyways, there's a quick recap of what I've been up to the past few days. It's been SO busy and I think it's going to get even busier!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

For Bubba

I have a best friend friend* co-worker, Garrett, who says he will only read my blog if I talk about him (because he's oh-so-mature and not at all self-centered). So, today I'm going to dedicate a whole entire post to him. Because I'm that nice (and because I want people to read my blog... so I think that makes me kind of a sell-out, too)

Garrett continues to be the person I call when I'm unhappy at work. Luckily for him, he doesn't sit directly across from me anymore, so he doesn't have to hear my whining "Garrrreeetttttttttt....." whenever I'm bored/confused/pissed/exhausted. Thanks to Caller ID at work he can now screen my calls (which I'm convinced he does quite frequently). But for real, he's a pretty good guy most of the time.

He's also single and looking, so ladies, if you like what you see let me know and I'll hook you up ; ) Here's what you need to know about Garrett:
  1. He works his ass off at work. He's the youngest Assistant VP we have at the bank and everyone loves him. It's kind of sickening, actually. He's also very talented at brown-nosing.
  2. He's athletic. Garrett plays softball and flag football in the summer/fall and he's the team star. Just ask him how good he is, he loves talking about it.
  3. He knows all kinds of lame movie quotes: "Shut up Liddy!" "He's a he-she she's a she-she" "Bring me back something French" "Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi" (bonus points if you know those movies)
  4. He likes sick beds when he's feeling under the weather. What's a sick bed, you ask? Well, it's 3 pillows and a comforter on the couch with a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich nearby. (he's extremely low maintenance, as you can see)
  5. He's a big fan of Qdoba, especially the one in Royal Oak which he frequents after long nights of drinking and dancing at Black Finn.
  6. He's the most eligible bachelor in Royal Oak (just ask him)
  7. He's a really good drunk dialer and will talk to you for hours at 2:00 am, even if you just want to sleep (although he doesn't drunk dial me anymore... long story, we're not going there)
So, Bubba, there you go, I posted about you. Ladies, if you're interested (and you should be ;-) ) here are a few pics of Garrett in action. You can see that he's a snappy dresser, king of the dance floor, and has mastered the art of drinking.

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*We are no longer besties, or even friends (according to Garrett), because Garrett thinks I like Josh more than him. Well... yeah, he's right. Sorry Bubs!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Little Ms. Mommy-Mobile

For the next two weeks I'll be playing Ms. Mommy, sort-of. In celebration of my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, they are in Hawaii with my aunt and uncle until October 1st. As a result, I'm staying with my 14 year old cousin, Ali at her house. Ali is a very involved, active teenager which means I'll be running her to and from driver's training (which, by the way, makes me feel extremely old because she's my youngest cousin on this side of the fam), taking her back and forth to youth group, making sure she's at the football field on time for marching practice and football games, and driving her to school every morning (we leave the house at 7:00, which is the time I used to wake up in the morning). In addition to all the running around, I've got to make sure we both get our homework done, make sure both dogs are fed and let outside, and make sure the new goats are fed twice a day. Whew! I have a feeling this will be a glimpse into my future... although hopefully I'll be out of school and have a husband to help me out by the time I have a 14 year old. So far it's gone ok...

Days getting Ali to school on time: 2 (plus one trip to Biggby!)
Days getting Ashley to work on time: 2 (actually easier now that my ass is up and awake at 5:45)
Days Ashley has remembered to pick Ali up at the appropriate time: 1 (my stepmom takes care of the days I'm in class)
Number of dog-related messes needed cleaning: 0 (hopefully this one stays at 0 because I do not have the stomach to clean poop and vomit)
Number of times I've felt old and out of touch: 7 (this number is growing at an alarming rate, unfortunately)
Number of times I've seen Josh: 1 (yeah, this is putting quite the damper on how often we get to see each other)
Number of calls to Hawaii because we couldn't get the garage door open in the pole barn: 3 (we've got it figured out now... finally)
Number of calls to Hawaii (by Ali) for some other ridiculous reason: 3 (hopefully this one stays pretty low, too)

Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Believe...

So Glamour magazine always has this little section where a celebrity lists 4 or 5 things they believe. Sometimes they're cute, somethimes they're stupid, but they usually give a good insight into that person's personality. For example, Nigella Lawson says:

I Believe...
...that children drive you mad, but they also keep you sane.
…that diets kill the soul.
…that if you wait until the “right time” to do something, you’ll never do it.
…that friends are your family too.
So, naturally, that makes me think about certain things I "believe." Here's my list: (which I'm sure has the potential to change on a daily basis)
I Believe...
... that sexy underwear should be worn on a daily basis, even if you're the only one who will see them
... in holding hands
... that being organized is overrated
... that you can never have too many best friends
What do you believe?

Who's Teaching Who Here?

I have lost all faith in my Geography professor. Here's why:
  • He pronounces words incorrectly. The word 'thorough' does not have an L at the end.*
  • He spells words incorrectly. If you're going to write something on the board, please know how to spell it. If you don't know how, just ask. You'll look like more of a douche if you try to pass off an incorrect spelling as a real word.*
  • He insists we print of 50+ pages of "notes" before class so we can follow along during his lecture. I use the word "notes" loosely here because they're just Powerpoints with graphs, pictures, and bulleted lists. Nothing that's not in the book, so in my opinion, why waste the paper and ink? To his credit, everything (so far) is spelled correctly.
  • He doesn't understand that when you enlarge a picture of a map from the book that the ratio scale is thrown off. Duh. Don't doubt your student's math skills until you've mastered this concept. Thanks.
  • He thinks that Lansing is NorthEAST of Grand Rapids (seriously. Not only did he say this verbally, but he also drew a map to illustrate his point.) This is the clincher. Please consult a map of Michigan (a state in which you've lived for your entire life) before trying to teach me any more about geography.
Tomorrow we're studying North America so stay tuned for more interesting "facts."

*Ok, I know I tend to care a little too much about spelling and grammar, but come on, I'm paying out the ass in tuition! I expect my instructors to have a respectable grasp of the English language.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bits and Pieces

Ed. Note: I thought I posted this last week, but I apparently saved it instead of publishing. Duh. Oh- And I added a picture : )

Once again I've fallen behind on my regular blogging. Ugh. I don't have a lot to say, I guess. My Labor Day weekend was fan-freaking-tastic and I hated returning to work/class this week. Saturday I met up with the lovely Erin Jones, whose wedding I'll be in on October 10th. We had dinner in Flint with the bridesmaids and friends at a Japanese steakhouse. Mmmm I had calamari and steak. YUM!

Then I drove from Flint to Lakeview so I could join Josh and his family at the Lakeview United Methodist campground. What a beautiful place to spend a weekend!! I'll post pictures soon - (yeah... I know you've heard that one before, but I promise, pics are coming!!!) The rest of my Saturday night was spent playing cards with Josh, his sister, her boyfriend, and their cousin. I didn't think my boyfriend would be so good at Spoons (which, I've learned, is a highly competitive game. It's practically a full-contact sport!!). We slept 6 people in the camper, which was interesting. I shared a bed with Josh's sister, Ashley, Josh's parents were on the table-bed, and Josh and Jason (Ashley's bf) had the bunk beds. Being the nice host that he is, Josh offered to sleep on the top bunk, which is about 6 inches shorter than the bottom bunk. For someone who's 6'3", a bed that's 6 inches too short doesn't make for a comfortable night's sleep!

Sunday was the usual Reisbig potluck, complete with three crock pots of saurkraut and sausage. YUM!! Ohhh I ate wayyyy too much. Josh's friends Brandon and Jenna came to visit and the boys took us girls for a paddle boat ride around the lake. It was the perfect way to settle my super full stomach. We went for a few walks around the campground and watched the sunset over the lake from the top of a hill. Awwww... I even have a silhouette picture of Josh and I against the sunset with the lake in the background. Ridiculously cheesy? Yes. Adorable? Absolutely. I also ate my first hobo pie Sunday night! It was SO good! (If you've been paying attention you've realized that I did A LOT of eating over the weekend!!) It had pizza sauce, olives, ham, mushrooms, and mozzerella cheese in it. Josh cooked it for me and it was a perfectly crispy golden brown. Delicious!!

Monday we woke up and relaxed around the fire for a bit. Josh was getting restless (and felt guilty for not working on the farm that morning because he has like some adult form of ADD or something :) ) so we went for a nice long walk through the nature trails. Then after lunch we went on a horse drawn wagon ride. It was pretty bumpy but nice. The nice thing about this campground is that it's very close to a cheese factory. Josh paid a visit before I arrived on Saturday. He got pepperjack cheese curds, dill cheese, bacon cheese (how can you make cheese more unhealthy? Add some bacon!) and smoked string cheese. YUM! After we helped everyone pack up the campground we headed home, well, back to Josh's house. He mowed his lawn and I did homework napped for a little bit. Then we moved my couch and a few other things over to his house for temporary storage. By the time we got done with all of that, it was dark and Labor Day was drawing to a close. So we ordered a pizza from the party store and called it a night.

I was sad to see such a perfect, relaxing weekend come to an end because it means that school is truly back in session, summer is over, and winter is lurking around the corner. Until then, it's football season!

Friday, September 4, 2009

For Erin Part Two

Purple and Ivory
They didn't have a lot of options when it came to ivory, but I'm loving the look of the candles and ivory roses on that tablescape! The invitation isn't really purple and ivory either, but you'll just have to use your imagination! And I think this dress is muuuuuuch better than the one in the purple/green board. Thoughts?

Purple and Ivory
Purple and Ivory by ashmarie03 featuring Pianegonda jewelry

For Erin

If you've never heard of Polyvore, you are in for a treat today! Polyvore is a super fun site where you can create "sets" of things you like. I see it a lot with wedding inspiration boards, but it can be used to create interior design or fashion looks, too. Today, I was a little slow at work so I decided to come up with an inspiration board for my friend, Erin, who is getting married next September. She's toying with either purple and bright green-yellow, or purple and ivory as colors. Here's an inspiration board for the purple/green scheme (please disregard the hideous gray bow on the purple dress...)

The great thing about Polyvore is that you can use their Clipper tool to upload pics off of any website to include in your set. This can be very addicting, so proceed with caution! I'm going to make a purple and ivory one, too. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to School...

So my first day of classes was Tuesday. [insert obligatory Billy Madison 'Back to School' song here] This is the first semester where I have three classes in a row, and I have to haul my cookies back and forth across Grand Valley's Allendale campus. Whew... I forgot how scary it is when you don't know where your next building is! (Hi, I'm a college freshman, apparently)

Here's a rundown of the profs I'm dealing with:
Eng 261 (Linguistics)- First impression: I immediately liked her outfit. Navy V-neck with some ruching under a fitted navy blazer (Stacy and Clinton would be proud of the 'lock and load'), a patterned white and dark tan/light brown skirt (age appropriate grazing-the-knee length), some slingback brown wedges, accessorized with a long bronzey necklace that I immediately started coveting. Her hair was a little flat, but we all have those days, so no judgment from me. As class went on, I decided I like her. She seems really excited about linguistics and wants us students to be excited, too. She even let us play a get-to-know-your-classmates-by-seeing-how-many-weird-language-and-grammar-things-you-know/do/have-done game and she brought chocolate. Who doesn't like that? I think she may be a little nerdy (in the likes to play Boggle, Scrabble, and discus proper grammar sort of way) and she makes little jokes that only people who know grammar rules would understand, but it's kind of charming. Plus, I'm sort of convinced that I'll be like her in 20 years (flat hair and all), so I'm holding off on finding anything negative about her.

Eng 225 (American Lit from Colonial times to 1860) - Woah, buddy! This lady is a doozy. When she walked in the classroom I had to stifle a giggle as I thought abut how to describe her. First of all, Stacy and Clinton would not approve of her attire. She's probably in her late 50's or early 60's and was wearing a too-short sleeveless black dress covered in a sheer poncho. Yes, a poncho. With fringe. Seriously. Then, she hopped up to sit on the table in the front of the classroom and I saw more thigh than I really wanted to. I mean, good for her for being comfortable with her age and body and all that jazz, but a classroom of 20-somethings doesn't want to see your pasty white thighs. Sorry. Then there were the glasses. First, the sunglasses were straight out of 1982. Ok, I thought, maybe she's working the retro shades... no biggie, I also enjoy an oversized frame on my sunglasses. Then she busted out the actual reading glasses which she obviously purchased in a 1982 DOC two-for-one sale with her sunglasses because they were practically the same frames, just with clear lenses instead of tinted. Hold on tight, folks, I think this class is going to be a bumpy ride.

Eng 313 (Shakespeare, and yes, my 3rd English class in one day)- This guy is funny, but he knows his shit. He's tall and bald and I was scared of him at first. Sort of a Mr. Clean in a suit with no earring. He was dressed well with khaki dress pants, a light blue-green shirt, and a modern-ish tie. Full points from me for not wearing a short sleeve white dress shirt with a tie or bow-tie (honestly, a huge pet peeve of mine). I have a feeling he can go off on tangents, but he's good-humored and interesting about a dry subject. I'm not crazy about writing papers and play reviews, but whatever, it's a college English class so it's expected.

Random Moment of the Day: During the get-to-know-your-classmate game, a guy came up to me and said, "I need to meet you because I think you're Lindsey Leak's sister." Woah. Yeah, apparently I look like her enough to make him question our relation, and when he heard my name during roll call it confirmed his suspicions. He's a geek squad guy from Best Buy who has worked on her computer a few times. Crazy small world I guess. He seems cool enough, plus he's in 2 of my classes so I think we'll be talking a lot this semester.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bad Blogger...

I've been a bad blogger and I apologize... I plan on blogging every day and then something suddenly comes up. Boooo to me : ( Anyways, today starts a new month and a new chance for me to hold to my goal of one post per day (except for weekends). However, today also starts a new semester of school for me. So, we'll see how that plays out. Here are just a few random thoughts floating around in my mind:

1. Where the hell did my summer go! I swear, never has 31 days passed so quickly as it did during the month of August when I didn't have any classes.
2. Another one of my friends is engaged!! YAYYY! So I think that makes me one of the 2 out of our group of 6 that is not yet committed to a man for the rest of my life. And, contrary to what my mother thinks, I'm not depressed about it (she seriously asked me if I was... thanks mom). I'm excited for another wedding!!! (ps: Amanda, get Erin to start blogging about wedding stuff!!)
3. I'm thoroughly convinced that spring has transformed directly into fall, skipping over summer and depriving me of some sunshine! Leaves are already starting to turn!
4. Fall is upon us which makes me sad for some reasons (see 1 and 2), but happy for others. It's FOOTBALL season! This means tailgates, Pick 4, and Saturdays spent "doing homework" while having my laptop open to for automatic updated on game scores. Fall usually means that I get to start wearing sweaters again, but since we've had such a cold summer, my sweaters never really got put away.
5. Is Biggby coming out with hot caramel apple cider anytime soon? Mmmmm football game + hot apple cider + maybe a few drops of Hot Damn = a pretty good day
6. What am I going to be for Halloween?
7. These people need to stop. Just stop. We get the point, Fertile Myrtle.

I actually have more on my mind today (interesting, since nothing on my mind is work related, yet here I sit at my work computer... haha) but I think some of these things can be developed into full fledged posts. Oh- and I promised Vegas pics... This girl is going to be one busy little blogger this week!