Ok, not so much "scary" as in axe-murderer-scary, but more like holy-F-am-I-doing-the-right-thing scary. Let me explain: As most of you know (
if you know me, or have at least read my blog header) I'm leaving my banking job and becoming a high school English/econ teacher (
yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. There are no jobs in Michigan. Teaching is hard. Yeah, so I've heard. Thanks for the support..) Anyways, I'm about two-thirds through my current semester, which means I've only got one more semester before I have my English major complete. So what does that mean, you ask? It means that shit is about to get Crazy (
with a capital C).
I've decided to enroll in the Graduate Teaching Certification program at GVSU. This is a year-long program specifically designed for the individual who already has obtained a degree from an accredited university and holds a teachable major... blah blah blah. Basically I didn't think I qualified for the program because my Finance degree isn't 'teachable' (
which, let me tell you, I think it should be! Do you have any idea of the number of people who can't balance their own checkbooks!!! [not that I actually do it, but I know how if I ever find myself carrying a checkbook around]
It's ridiculous how stupid people are with their money! Maybe a finance class or two in high school will teach those kids a thing or two about good money management! ....yeah probably not.). Well, since I've almost completed my English major and econ minor, and both of those subjects are teachable, turns out I qualify for the GTC. Luckily I found out approximately 9 days before the application, complete with 3 letters of recommendation, was due. So yeah, I've been scrambling around campus trying to get my application finished so I can be admitted to the program. Which of course, only admits a limited nubmer of students once a year.
So last night I went to the GTC informational seminar. Apparently I'm 'ahead of the game' because I had already figured out what they spent an hour telling me last night.
(yes, that's right folks, that internet thing came in handy as I was researching my grad program. who would've thought!) As it turns out, I'll start full time grad-school in June, if I'm accepted. And I freakin' better be accepted!!
This leap into grad school scares the shit out of me for two reasons: 1.) I have to quit my job. That means no insurance, no income, no benefits, nothin'. I've got to figure out a way where I can make some money either from home (
which I'm doubting will happen) or at night/on the weekends (
which will burn me out, I'm sure). So, short of selling myself on the corner, I haven't come up with any ways to make money next year. 2.) This is where they separate the men from the boys (
or, excuse me, the women from the girls). The program is really intense. It's 6 weeks of full time grad classes, and I'll still have one econ class to complete. So 3 summer classes at once. Yikes!!! Then, I'll be working in a school 3 days a week for a semester, with 3 additional classes that are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. After that semester is finished, I'll have my final semester of student teaching, 5 days a week, like a real, live teacher. I hope I can handle this! I think I can...
I take my Basic Skills test Saturday (
at 7am in Grand Rapids! Which means I have to get up at like 5:30 so I can be out the door by 6:00 so I can be in GR by 7! How am I supposed to take a test that early...) and I'm kind of nervous, but I've heard it's really easy. Then I have to take my English and economics content area tests on January 9th. I'm freakin' out about the econ test. But I just have to pass and they don't report the actual scores.... so wish me luck!!