Monday, July 6, 2009

So true...

I came across this cute little cartoon on Finding Wonderland's blog as I was scrolling through my Google Reader. It made me chuckle to myself as I put myself in that poor girl's place.

I've been revising pieces for my multi genre paper today and, let me tell you, I am ready to yank every perfectly straightened hair from my pounding head! I didn't think it would be too difficult to revise these pieces, but for some reason I'm having trouble. I've got lots of annoying little voices swirling around in my lil head: Do I have enough pieces? Does the order of the pieces make sense? Does it flow well? Are the pieces diverse enough to be interesting, yet not detract from the overall theme? Is the overall theme clear? How should I start and end the paper? Needless to say, all of these voices are making me a TAD bit crazy... I think I'm going to reread some of Bird by Bird where Anne Lamott talks about picking out each voice and dealing with it, one at a time.

This week, I'm reading about grammar... YAY!! I'm such a grammar freak that my friends constantly tell me to "go grade a paper" when I mention an error in their speech or type. (Yeah, I'm sure I'm a real treat to be around. haha : ) ) So, I'm looking forward to ways to teach grammar and incorporate those lessons into writing. I'll also be reading about writing workshops, which is a method I've never had the opportunity to try. My week is already shaping up to be a busy one, but by the end, I'll (hopefully) have a nicely polished multi-genre paper. I'll also have completed all of the mid-term requirements of my writing class. It blows my mind to think that I'm half-way done already!

1 comment:

lindsay said...

Thanks for the cartoon link. I'll tuck this one away for use with future classes. I look forward to hearing what conclusions you come to about whether your multi-genre pieces feel like a complete collection. Every piece of memoir writing has a million stories before and after the one represented in print. Knowing where to focus and where to draw boundary lines is quite a skill. Was it hard for you to know how much back-story to tell or not to tell about your decision making process?